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Debugging the performance issue of a distributed system

Akhil Ghatiki
4 min readJul 3, 2019

Debugging the performance of a distributed system is always a pain. But on the other side of this coin, you get a lot of learning, knowing the system better and this helps in building an architectural mindset.

Recently, I have spent close to 2 weeks on debugging a performance issue of a distributed system our team was developing. I am sharing my learning from this period in this blog post.

First things first:

I assume the reader has some knowledge of micro services, distributed systems and how critical would a performance issue of a distributed could be. From here on, “system” or “DS” represents a distributed system.

Do not go gentle into that good night….. :

Read this poem by Dylan Thomas here (Its my favourite poem). But yeah, coming back to debugging, I would say DO GO gentle into “this” good night. Don’t just jump into the implementation and crave for the fix of the issue. This is the first mistake one can do. Without analyzing the existing implementation of the system, the developer just dives to fix it. When you know the system better and if you have a clear understanding of the performance issue, you can have a slight guess about where the issue could be and what could be the bottleneck of this system. So, first, analyze the existing system.

Capture the metrics of the existing system:

This is crucial. Unless you know how well/bad the existing system is performing, you can’t proceed further. Leverage the power of logs and profiles of the system to capture the metrics. These metrics could be about the I/O operations, thread pool profiling, publishing data to another system or subscribing data from another system or could be as simple as a small API call. Keep a note of memory usage and CPU usage of the system. It would be great if you are using a tool like Splunk to get insights from your logs. Dashboards built using the logs of a DS are helpful when you are dealing with this type of issue. They drastically reduce the time you put in. Invest time in developing dashboards (Ex: Splunk Dashboards) while developing itself. They will save a lot of time later. Proceed further once you are quite clear about the existing performance.

Are you messing with default configurations ?

When you are dealing with a distributed system, at times we configure a few parts of this system with default configurations. Let’s take a small use case. If you are using Kafka or RabbitMQ as a messaging broker in your system, in general, we go ahead with a few default configurations. For example, some configurations like fetch.min.bytes, max.poll.records, etc of Kafka should be left to default configurations unless you are very sure that it is not your system that is the bottleneck for the performance. Default configurations are default for a reason, they are not just random figures. The team while developed Kafka might have tested it rigorously and came up with these defaults. So, think twice before changing the defaults.

Chalk out the architecture:

This helps a lot. Doesn’t your office have whiteboards? No big deal, grab a paper and sketch your DS. Try to include every minute detail of the system. The key aspects would be drawing out, which part of the system is communicating with which part. Include all the API calls happening, the messaging brokers if any. The more detailed your sketch is, the less time you are going to spend solving the issue. From this sketch mark out the points which could be affecting your system.

It’s not always the game of instance count:

Yes, when capturing the metrics of a DS. Stick on to one instance of the system . Spawning up multiple instances of the system to capture metrics might mislead the decision. Performance should always be talked per instance. So, fix the problem per instance before you scale up the count.

Divide and Conquer:

Here lies the key aspect of debugging the performance of a DS. Divide the whole system into smaller chunks (of course in your mind. That is why I asked to chalk it out in the previous section). Now, decommission one part at a time in your DS either by bringing down the service or just commenting out the code. Capture the metrics after that. Loop this in until you narrow down the problem to a particular part of your system. Now, conquer the issue.

God Speed !!!!



Akhil Ghatiki
Akhil Ghatiki

Written by Akhil Ghatiki

Developer at ThoughtWorks. Sometimes ENTP-T and sometimes ESTP-A not sure which one.Loves to talk about tech, code, data privacy, environment.

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